
A Little White Lie

As anyone who has ever seen the movie Spinal Tap will tell you, musicians can be an odd bunch. Whether it’s trying to hit 11 on your amplifier, or wandering clueless backstage to find your way to a performance, there’s always a story to tell at any given show.

One such night happened at Rosa’s in Portsmouth, New Hampshire (or The Rosa, officially, although no one I knew ever called it that) when White Lies played. People would come to us between sets to say how much fun we were to watch, but we always felt the same the other way around: the audience was at least as much fun to watch as we were. You just never knew what was going to happen, especially when playing in a bar and the evening wore on.

The tiny dance floor was packed shoulder-to-shoulder one Friday night, when a couple of guys threw themselves on the floor and started thrashing around. We were more than a little surprised, although it was hard to do much, other than just wonder, as we were in the middle of a song. Other folks on the floor were as bewildered as us, and struggled to keep from stepping on the flopping, jostling dudes, since there wasn’t a lot of room to maneuver.

Eventually the set ended and we put our instruments down. Of course the first thing we had to do was ask what in the world the strange exhibition represented, to which the two gentlemen in question replied, “we were just gator-dancing.” It was a first for us, and certainly made the evening memorable. I felt a little embarrassed for the leathery creatures whose crawling gait was so oddly imitated on a crowded dance floor, hundreds of miles from the closest of their kin, but I’ll never forget the display.

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A number of years ago I managed to have some songs from an old cassette tape digitized for my iPod, and I made a little video clip below for this post. The performance was recorded at the Stone Church in Newmarket, New Hampshire. It’s a short song, called “Beach Bambi Bop.” I don’t really remember how we came up with the name, but it was a tune that we often played to end a set.

Hope you enjoy, it was certainly fun playing.